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Higher Education

At Hertford Regional College we always welcome applications from mature students who make up a high proportion of our Higher Education learners. Mature students can study with us to expand their current knowledge in order to enhance their career prospects or to embark on a new career path altogether.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What will it be like studying with a group of young people?

    Our students are made up of different ages and backgrounds, so it is unlikely that you will be the only mature student in your group. We find that many of our students value the opportunity to study in a group with a mixture of age and backgrounds, as the dynamic encourages different ways of thinking and learning. Our mission is to expose you to ask many different classroom situations as possible to grow your confidence for the workplace.

  • What qualifications do I need to start a university programme?

    To study at Foundation Degree and Higher National Level, you’ll typically need a Level 3 qualification, such as ALevels, an Access to HE Diploma, a BTEC Extended Diploma or a recognised equivalent. However our programmes consider other qualifications and/or any relevant experience and some programmes may require different or additional qualifications, so please check the entry requirements for your chosen programme.

  • How can I pay for my study?

    Government funding is available for students from England to help you to afford to learn. There is also support available to help with living costs as well as additional support for those with children, those with adult dependants and those with disabilities, learning difficulties and health conditions.

  • How will I fit a Higher Education course around work and family commitments?

    Many of our programmes, particularly our Foundation Degrees and Higher Nationals, are designed to fit in around your work commitments as their aim is to enhance your current job prospects. Wherever possible, we provide flexible timetabling including evenings, weekends and online distance learning.

  • It’s been a long time since I was in a classroom; how am I going to cope with the demands of the course?

    Group sizes are typically much smaller than at large universities, allowing staff to get to know their students well and enabling them to support individual needs. The programmes help you to develop appropriate study and research skills. We understand this can be a big commitment and we’re there every step of the way to make it as easy as possible for you to enjoy a rewarding and successful time with us.

  • I’m thinking about doing a Higher Education course but I’m not sure what to study

    As a mature student you will want to be assured that you will be getting the most out of the investment you are making. Being sure that you have chosen the right course is imperative, as this will impact upon both your success with the programme and your future career. Our impartial, professional careers advisors are available to discuss your options. They can advise on considerations such as entry requirements, the demands of the different programmes and the potential job outcomes. Contact The HE team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 01992 411400.