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Hertford Regional College’s Art & Design students have a busy start to the year, showcasing two exhibitions that have been devised and curated by the students for work-based learning and professional development modules.

Performing arts students from Hertford Regional College produced their very own puppet show with children on Dolphin Ward at Princess Alexandra Hospital on Friday 9th December.

Performing Arts students from Hertford Regional College toured four local schools with the first theatre adaption of ‘Face-Mum’. Year 2 students at HRC were commissioned with this performance, based on a story written by local writer Russell King, exploring the life of a teenage boy and how his life changes when a secret is revealed.

As part of the brand’s commitment to educating the general public on safety and protecting the lives of law enforcement and military operatives, SafeGuard Clothing recently announced its partnership with Hertford Regional College (HRC).

How would you like the chance become industry-ready and gain a free qualification?

On the 17th of October, we will be running a 5 day employability workshop at the Ware campus of Hertford Regional College, where you will gain the following: