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Higher Education

When it comes to our Higher Education courses we're extra special.

We are proud to have achieved a silver award from the Teaching Excellence Framework which is a government assessment of the quality of undergraduate teaching.

Our special achievements were noted in a report which said that:

  • Our course design and assessment practices provide scope for excellent levels of stretch, including local employers playing a significant role in designing the curriculum
  • We offer personalised learning that tracks your progress and identifies the support you need
  • We have optimum levels of contact time between lecturers and students to secure the highest levels of engagement and commitment
  • Our student engagement with enterprise and practice through opportunities for work-based learning and live briefs, which are developed in partnership with employers or industry bodies
  • We have systematic investment in high quality physical and digital resources that are actively and consistently used by students to enhance learning
  • We have a culture of support for the ongoing development of teaching excellence

Phew! That's quite a lot. 

TEF Logo

We have also been recognised by QAA which are the UK's organisation for the safeguarding of standards and improving the quality of UK Higher Education. The QAA states that:

  • The quality of student learning opportunities meets UK expectations
  • The quality of the information about learning opportunities meets UK expectations
  • Our enhancement of student learning opportunities meets UK expectations

QAA Logo